VegaX Guide: Understanding Active and Inactive Periods

VegaX Holdings
3 min readJan 12, 2022


VegaX Guide Central Highlights key information for VegaX Clients, to make it even easier to enhance returns! Learn more about “Active and Inactive” periods for certain VegaX products. See below for our Korean translation: “Active/Inactive 기간이란?”

VegaX Holdings Guide Central: “What Are Active and Inactive Periods?”

Understanding Active and Inactive Investment Periods — FAQ’s:

What are active/inactive periods?

Active and inactive periods reflect the time when clients can buy or sell specific strategies. These periods only apply to the buying and/or selling of VEBE/VEEE. These periods apply because of the types of strategy, which require specific “open” or “closed” periods for investing cryptocurrencies.

Why is there a buy and sell period for VEBE/VEEE?

VEBE/VEEE are covered call options strategies, where call options are sold for a premium at the beginning of the month. The calls sold at the beginning of the month can only be settled at the end of the month. Therefore, VEBE/VEEE can only be bought or sold during the active/inactive periods.

When are these active/inactive periods?

Active Buy:

To Buy, the active period is the first seven days of every month. For example, if today is the 15th of January, the status would be “inactive” until the 1st of February. From February 1st — February 7th, the status would change to “active.” On February 8th, the status would change to “inactive.”

Active Sell:

To sell, the active period is the first day of every month. For example, if today is the 15th of January and you wish to sell, the status would be “inactive” until the 1st of February. On February 1st, the status would change to “active.” On February 2nd, the status would change to “inactive.”

Inactive Periods:

An inactive period is the status given to buy/sell activities when the activity is awaiting an active period. For a buy, the inactive period is any time outside of the first seven days of every month. For a sell, the inactive period is any time outside of the first day of every month.

Red light, Green light Icons

When buying/selling VEBE/VEEE, you will notice Red/Green light icons to display the active/inactive status of the strategy.

Active Period: Green light

Inactive Period: Red light

What if I want to buy/sell during the inactive period?

You can place your buy/sell order during the inactive period and it will be executed during the active period. Until the active period begins, your order will be pending. You will still be able to cancel a pending order before an active period starts.

Active/Inactive 기간이란?

VEBE/VEEE 두 전략에만 적용되는 즉시투자가능 기간입니다.

Active/Inactive 기간은 언제인가요?

매수의 경우, Active 기간은 매달 초 7일동안 입니다. 예를 들어, 현재 1월 15일이라면 다음 Active 기간은 2월 1일~7일에 도래합니다.

매도의 경우, Active 기간은 매달 1일 입니다. 예를 들어, 현재 1월 15일이고 보유하신 전략을 매도하고자 하신다면 가장 빠른 매도가능일은 다음달 1일인 2월 1일입니다.

빨간불과 초록불

VEBE/VEEE를 매수하거나 매도하실 때, 빨간색 혹은 초록색으로 된 Active/Inactive 상태창을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

초록불은 현재 해당 전략의 매수 혹은 매도가 Active 기간에 속해 있다는 뜻이고

빨간불은 Inactive 기간에 속해 있다는 뜻입니다.

만약 Inactive 기간에 매수/매도를 하고 싶다면 어떡하나요?

매수/매도 주문은 가능합니다, 하지만 체결은 다음 Active 기간이 도래해야 완료됩니다. 그때까지 주문하신 매수/매도 요청은 보류 상태로 남아있습니다. 그리고 다음 Active 기간이 도래하기 전까지는 보류 중인 주문을 취소하실 수 있습니다.

VEBE/VEEE에 이런 매수/매도 기간의 제한이 있는 이유가 뭔가요?

VEBE/VEEE는 커버드콜 전략으로 매달 초에 콜옵션 발행이 진행되는 전략입니다. 이렇게 월초에 발행된 콜옵션은 해당 월 말이 되어야 만기가 도래합니다. 이러한 이유로 VEBE/VEEE는 월 중에 매수 및 매도가 불가능합니다.



VegaX Holdings
VegaX Holdings

Written by VegaX Holdings

VegaX: The Future of Digital Asset Management — Innovation of Proprietary Indices and Next-Gen Digital Asset Management Products.

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