Tutorial and Overview: Dashboard and Portfolio

VegaX Holdings
5 min readOct 22, 2021


VegaX Holdings Platform Tutorial & Overview: Dashboard & Portfolio —VegaX Holdings

Calling all VegaX Clients + Soon to Be Clients: We’ve got a Dashboard + Portfolio tutorial to share, that we think will help as you start to learn more about the different strategies and indexes VegaX provides! Feel free to bookmark this page as you log in and explore the ways you can earn more with VegaX. Need help while on your #VegaX Dashboard? Email the team here.

The following overview is for when you connect to the VegaX dashboard.

Dashboard Overview

Total Balance Section

You can see in the section below the total balance of your funds (invested in a strategy product + deposit available) in VegaX.

On the left side, you can see the value of your BTC holdings (eg 0.1664BTC), its evolution since investment ( 0.61%), and what it represents in BTC (eg 0.001 BTC). Here it means that the user gained 0.001BTC since joining VegaX

On the right side, you can see it in dollars. Careful, the dollars earned are not only linked to your BTC earnings. Here it represents the evolution of BTC/ETH invested in strategy and also BTC/ETH available in deposit. Here the user gained 0.001BTC thanks to his investment but he also has a deposit still available. Meaning that the value in USD will take into account your BTC earning as well as the profit that you make by holding BTC in your deposit wallet since you transferred the funds in your VegaX account.

BTC Earnings

In this section, you will see your earnings from the investment products in BTC.

Available Deposit

Below you will see the funds that are available in your deposit wallet.

Bitcoin And Ethereum Price

As your profit/loss in dollars will be impacted by the price of BTC and Ethereum, you can see this evolution in the red part highlighted below. Keep in mind that when the price of BTC rises or decreases, it will affect your profit/loss in dollars.

Ex: If you have 1 BTC in your total balance that you transferred when BTC was $40,000, if BTC goes down to $35,000, you will still own 1 BTC but its value in dollars will go from 40,000 => $35,000.

In the opposite way, if the BTC price goes to $50,000, you will still own 1BTC but the value in dollars will have reached $50,000. However, any profit earned through VegaX is BTC or ETH. This means that you can earn 0.2 BTC thanks to your investment but still have lost value in USD if the BTC price has decreased while holding the investment.

My Portfolio Page

If you click on My Portfolio then on one of the strategies you invested in (eg VEBE), you will find this page that gathers all the main information regarding your investment.

VEBE Main Information

You can see in the red square the general information regarding the investment token:

  • current token price
  • Evolution in % from the timeframe you selected below the chart
  • Evolution in BTC and USD of the token price

You can also see the total assets under management that have been invested in the strategy

You can also see other information about your investment including:

  • Tokens = number of tokens that you own from the strategy
  • Initial investment = how much you invested in Dollars (at the time of investment) and BTC
  • Hold time = number of days since you bought the strategy
  • % Earnings = the evolution of your earnings (in BTC or $) depending on which currency you used to set up the dashboard
  • Earnings = How much that evolution represents in BTC and in $
  • Total investment = How much does that represent today in BTC and $

You can also see:

  • The amount of $ invested in the strategy and the total circulating supply of VEBE tokens
  • The historic evolution of the strategy during the last week, month, 3 months, 6 months, and since the creation of the strategy

Change the currency you want the information displayed in:

If you click on the button in the red circle, you will be able to choose if you see the results of your investment in USD or BTC.

Portfolio in USD

Portfolio in BTC

VegaX Holdings Platform Tutorial & Overview: Dashboard & Portfolio — VegaX Holdings

🚀Better Indices, Better Returns — VegaX

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